MusicID Digital Research Fellowships

2024 Digital Research Fellowship Winner

23 June 2024

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the 2024 MusicID Digital Research Fellowship is Anna Liu (University of Illinois) with the proposal, “Should we sing in their languages?: How language choices influence K-pop’s charting across national borders on Spotify”. This exciting study offers a clear description of the research context, demonstrates a strong vision for exploring global audiences and varying cultural contexts, and provides a cohesive methodology using MusicID’s resources, alongside third-party tools. Read the winning proposal here.

We received unprecedented interest in the relaunch of the fellowship this year, and the evaluation committee read many competitive proposals. We are grateful to all applicants who took the time to consider how MusicID can support a diverse range of academic research projects. You can learn more about the Digital Research Fellowship below.

Congratulations again to Anna Liu for the award of the 2024 Digital Research Fellowship.

About MusicID’s Digital Research Fellowship

MusicID’s Digital Research Fellowship is awarded to a scholar from any discipline and at any career level with a strong vision to undertake music, cultural, and/or digital humanities research. The fellowship is designed to support research using data about music charts and streaming statistics. MusicID can be used to explore new topics, provide data-driven insights, and/or corroborate or challenge existing understandings. Proposed studies may adopt historical, cultural, or industry perspectives, for example, and possible research topics include trends in popular music, patterns of consumption, marketing practices, reception histories, or platform conventions. Fellows are encouraged to demonstrate how they will benefit from access to the MusicID platform. You can read former winning proposals below, in the Past Winners section

The recipient will receive $1,000 and access to the MusicID platform for one year. All applicants will receive access to the platform for six months. The recipient will be asked to write a brief final report at the end of their fellowship year, describing the research they conducted and their findings.

We welcome submissions from academics in any kind of employment, independent scholars, and postgraduate students, in any country. All proposals must be written in English. The recipient will be chosen through a double-blind peer review process.

MusicID is proud to support the work of academics and researchers through its annual MusicID Digital Research Fellowship program. The fellowship is awarded annually each summer to a person making great strides in cultural and digital humanities research. 


“Computerwelt: Charting the Digital Revolution in Popular Music”, Sven Kube (Florida International University)

Honorable Mention to Charting the Color Line” by Jada Watson (University of Ottowa)


“All the Way Up: A Chronological Study of Hip Hop’s Global Emergence as the Leading Popular Music Genre in the Streaming Era”, Dr. Steven Gamble (University College Cork)


“Reggaeton without Blackness: Tracking Afro-Latinx Roots in Latinx Contemporary Music,” Eduard Arriaga (University of Indianapolis)


“Identity, Genre, and Chart Success”, Thomas Johnson (Skidmore College)

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